In suppliers, you can add new supplier information. You can also update, delete, and print your desired supplier information. Adding a New Supplier To add a new Supplier, go to Inventory > Masters > Suppliers, the Suppliers page is displayed. Click on the Manage button and the display is…
October 4th, 2021
In the warehouse, you can add new warehouse details in your desired language. You can set nested warehouse and sub warehouse support. You can update, delete, and print your desired warehouse information. Adding a New Warehouse To add a new Warehouse, go to Inventory > Masters > Warehouse, the…
October 4th, 2021
Sales Areas
In sales areas, you can add new sales areas. You can update and delete sales area information. Adding new Sales Area To add a new Sales area in Inventory, go to Inventory > Masters > Sales areas, the Sales areas page is displayed. Click the Add new button, the display is shown. Name:…
October 4th, 2021
Item Card
In the item card, you can add new item details in your desired language. You can set item type, item picture, units of items, equivalent item, and supplier code, and supplier name. You can update, delete, and print items. Adding a new Item in Item Card To add a new…
September 22nd, 2021
Price Channels
The price channels define the prices for different channels like customer price channel and salesman price channel, etc. Adding a New Price Channel To add a new price channel in inventory, go to Inventory > Masters > Price Channels, the price channels page is displayed. Click on the Add…
September 15th, 2021
In units, you can add new units. You can update and delete the unit’s information. Also, you can manage sizes and colors on this page. Adding New Units To add new Units in Inventory, go to Inventory > Masters > Units, the Units page is displayed. Click the Add new button at the…
September 1st, 2021
Sub Items Addition (Sales)
In sub items addition (sales), you can input or add the items in the SMACC system like size and color or dimensional items. Note: There can be any combination of the above types of items. For example, batch and serial with size and color or batch with dimensional items. In…
April 7th, 2021
Sales Collection
The sales collection includes the collection methods for the credit type of sales invoices. You can select cash, bank cheque, and bank deposit and e-transfer methods. You can also view, delete, and print the information of the sales collection. Generating a New Sales Collection To generate a sales collection,…
April 7th, 2021
Multiple Sales Return
The multiple sales returns include more than one sales return invoice. Generating a New Multiple Sales Return To generate a new multiple sales returns, go to Inventory > Sales > Multiple Sales Returns, the multiple sales returns page is displayed. Click on the Manage icon at the top of…
April 7th, 2021
Goods Delivery Note (GDN)
The GDN (Goods Delivery Note) includes information about any stock that is going out of inventory without any sales invoice. It can be created with and without a sales order. For example, the orders in bulk form require a GDN (Goods Delivery Note). Adding a New GDN with Sales…
April 7th, 2021
Sub Items Addition (Purchase)
In sub items addition (purchase), you can input or add the items in the SMACC system like size (numbers and characters) and color or dimensional items. Note: There can be any combination of the above types of items. For example, batch and serial with size and color or batch…
April 7th, 2021
POS Counter
April 6th, 2021
Payment on Credit Purchase
The payment on credit purchase includes the payment method for the credit type of purchase invoices. You can select cash, bank cheque, and bank deposit and e-transfer methods. You can also view, delete, and print the information of payment on credit purchase. Generating a Payment on Credit Purchase To…
March 31st, 2021
Barcode Label Printing
In Barcode Label Printing, you can print all information in barcode label for the items of inventory. Printing Barcode Label by Adding Items To print the barcode label, go to Inventory > Barcode > Printing Barcode Label, the printing barcode label page is displayed. Barcode Label Code: Enter the…
March 14th, 2021
Barcode Label Setup
In barcode label setup, you can add, update and delete the barcode label information. Adding New Barcode Label To add a new barcode label go to Inventory > Barcode > Barcode Label Setup, the barcode label setup page is displayed. Click on the Add New button at the top…
March 14th, 2021
Item IDs Listing
The item IDs listing helps you view the report of particular items with their IDs listing. Viewing the Item IDs Listing To view the item IDs listing, go to Inventory > Reports > Inventory > Item IDs Listing, the Item IDs Listing page is displayed. Warehouse Code: Select the…
March 8th, 2021
Item Location Listing
The item location listing helps you view the report of location for a particular item. Viewing the Item Location Listing To view the item location listing, go to Inventory > Reports > Inventory > Item Location Listing, the item location listing page is displayed. Warehouse code: Select the warehouse…
March 8th, 2021
Item Inward Outward Tax Listing
The item inward outward tax listing helps you view the report of inward and outward tax listing of an item. Viewing the Item Inward Outward Tax Listing To view the item inward outward tax listing report, go to Inventory > Reports > Inventory > Item Inward Outward Tax Listing…
March 8th, 2021