Docs   /   HR   /   Statements   /   Absents   /   Absents


In absents, you can keep monthly and yearly absents record of the employees. You can export absents information into excel, word and pdf formats.


Viewing Absent Statement.

To view “Absent Statement”, click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Absents”. Absents page will be displayed.

Enter month in “Month” input box then enter year in “Year” input box.


If you want to view branch details in absent statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in absent statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.




Click “Show” button.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” Button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on the top of Absents page.


Searching  Absents Details with in desired Months.

To search “Absents Details with in desired Months”, click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Absents”. Absents page will be displayed.

Enter month in “Month” input box then enter year in “Year” input box.

If you want to view branch details in absent statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in absent statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.



Click “Show” button.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” Button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on the top of Absents page.


Click “Show” button.

If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” Button on top of on the top of Absents page then prompt box will be appeared.


Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” Button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on the top of Absents page.


Searching  Absents Details with in desired Years.

To search “Absents Details with in desired Months”, click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Absents”. Absents page will be displayed.

Enter month in “Month” input box then enter year in “Year” input box.

If you want to view branch details in absent statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in absent statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.



Click “Show” button.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” Button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on the top of Absents page.


Click “Show” button.

If you want to print the page then select your desired page and click on “Print” Button on top of on the top of Absents page then prompt box will be appeared.

Click “OK” button to print the information.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” Button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on the top of Absents page.

Export Absents to Excel.

To “Export Absents to Excel”, click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Absents”. Absents page will be displayed.


Enter month in “Month” input box then enter year in “Year” input box.

If you want to view branch details in absent statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in absent statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.



Click “Show” button.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” Button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on the top of Absents page.

Click “Export to Excel” button then it will download Absents report in Excel format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page.


It will display Absents statement in Excel format.


Export Absents to Word.

To “Export Absents to Word”, click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Absents”. Absents page will be displayed.

Click “Export to Word” button then it will download Absents report in Word format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page.

It will display Absents statement in Word format.


Export Absents Statement to PDF.

To “Export Absents Statement to PDF”, click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Absents”. Absents page will be displayed.

Enter month in “Month” input box then enter year in “Year” input box.

If you want to view branch details in absent statement then check “Branch Code” check box. Enter branch code or click in “Branch code” input box then branch code list will be drop down. Select your desired branch code then selected branch name will be appeared in “Branch Name” input box or if you do not want to view branch details in absent statement then uncheck “Branch Code” check box.

Click “Show” button.

If you want to send information through email then click on “Email” Button then email confirmation massage will be appeared on the top of Absents page.


Click “Export to PDF” button then it will download Absents report in PDF format. Click in the massage box on the bottom corner of the page.


It will display Absents statement in PDF format.