Docs   /   Financial Accounting   /   Budgeting   /   Budget Comparison   /   Budget Comparison

Budget Comparison

In the budget comparison, the budget can be compared from one month to another.


Viewing the Budget Comparison

To view the budget comparison, go to Financial Accounting > Budgeting > Budget Comparison, the budget comparison page is displayed.

Budget Group: Select the budget group from the drop-down list.

Report Type: Select one out of two radio buttons Monthly and Summary for a detailed or brief report.

Budgeting Month: Select the budgeting month for reference.

Year: Select the budgeting year for reference.

Month to Compare: Select the month to be compared with the budgeting month above.

Year: Select the year to be compared with the budgeting year.

Period: From: Select the starting date.

To: Select the ending date.

Indexed On: Select one out of two radio buttons Code or Name.

Display Codes on Report: This checkbox if checked allows the codes to be displayed in the report.

Do not Display if budget is Zero: This checkbox if checked does not show the report if the budget is zero.

Show: Click on the Show button to display the report.

Export to Excel: Click on this button to show the report in Excel file format.

Export to Word: Click on this button to show the report in Word file format.

Export to PDF: Click on this button to show the report in PDF file format.


Back: You can go back to the previous page.

Print: You can print the report.

Email: You can email the report.