In the cost center accounts monthly analysis, you can view, print, and email the information regarding the monthly analysis of cost center accounts. You can also export information to Excel, Word, and PDF Formats.
Viewing Cost Center Accounts Budget-Monthly Analysis
To view cost center accounts budget-monthly analysis, go to Financial Accounting > Reports > Cost Centers > Cost Center Accounts Budget-Monthly Analysis, the cost center accounts budget-monthly analysis page is displayed.
Cost Center Type: Select “All” or “Particular”.
Note: In the case, you select Particular, Enter the Cost Center Code (From) for example, 0001.
Month From: This field sets the starting month.
Year: This field sets the starting year.
Month To: This field sets the ending month.
Year: This field sets the ending year.
Display codes on report: This checkbox when checked shows the codes on the report.
Show: This button shows the report.
Export to Excel: This button shows the report in Excel format.
Export to Word: This button shows the report in Word format.
Export to PDF: This button shows the report in Excel format.
Click on the Show button.
Back: You can go back to the previous page.
Print: You can print the report.
Email: You can email the report.