Sales Order
The sales order contains information regarding sales orders. You can add, update, delete, or print the sales orders. Adding a New Sales Order with Sales Quotation To add a new sales order with a sales quotation, go to Inventory > Sales > Sales Order, the sales order page is…
November 11th, 2021
Sales Return
The sales return allows you to generate a return invoice against a sales invoice. You can view, print, or delete the sales return invoices as per requirement. Generating a New Sales Return To generate a new sales return, go to Inventory > Sales > Sales Return, the sales return…
November 11th, 2021
Sales Invoice
The sales invoice contains information regarding the sales invoice. Sales invoices can be made directly, from a sales quotation, from a sales order, and a GDN. You can add, update, print, or delete the sales invoice. Adding a New Sales Invoice Directly To add a sales invoice directly, go…
November 11th, 2021
Sales Quotation
The sales quotation in the inventory lists and defines all the sales quotations. You can add, edit, delete, or print the sales quotations. Adding a New Sales Quotation You can add items to a sales quotation through two different options. Option-1: Direct Addition of Items: To add a new…
November 10th, 2021
Multiple Purchase Returns
The Multiple Purchase Returns include more than one purchase return invoice. Generating a Multiple Purchase Return To generate a multiple purchase return, go to Inventory > Purchase > Multiple Purchase Return, the multiple purchase return page is displayed. Click on the Manage icon at the top of the page.…
November 10th, 2021
GRR (Goods Received Receipts)
The GRR (Goods Received Receipt) allows you to generate non-release and release GRR, with or without a purchase order. GRR is required when a stock of items is deposited in inventory and payment is due till the date of sale of all stock. You can add, update, delete, or print…
November 9th, 2021
Purchase Invoice Adjustment
The purchase invoice adjustment allows you to update the existing purchase invoices by making adjustments. Creating Purchase Invoice Adjustment To create a purchase invoice adjustment, go to Inventory > Purchase > Purchase Invoice Adjustment, the purchase invoice adjustment page is displayed. Click on the Manage icon at top of…
November 9th, 2021
Purchase Returns
The purchase returns allow you to generate a return invoice against a purchase invoice. You can view, print, or delete the purchase return invoices as per requirement. Generating a Purchase Return To generate a purchase return, go to Inventory > Purchase > Purchase Returns, the purchase returns page is…
November 9th, 2021
Purchase Invoice
The purchase invoice contains information regarding the purchase invoice. Purchase invoices can be made directly, from a purchase order or GRR. You can add, update, print, or delete the purchase invoice. Adding a Purchase Invoice Directly To add a purchase invoice directly (without any Purchase Order or GRR (Goods…
November 7th, 2021
Purchase Order
The purchase order contains information regarding purchase orders. You can add, update, delete, or print the purchase orders. Adding a New Purchase Order with Purchase Quotation To add a new purchase order, go to Inventory > Purchase > Purchase Order, the purchase order page is displayed. Click on the…
November 4th, 2021
Purchase Quotation
The purchase quotation in the inventory lists and defines all the purchase (buying) quotations. You can add, edit, delete, or print the purchase quotations. Adding a New Purchase Quotation You can add items to a purchase quotation through two different options. Option-1: Direct Addition of Items: To add a…
November 4th, 2021
Inward Outward Tax Group
The inward outward tax group defines the tax implementation for the items of inventory individually or collectively. Adding Inward Tax Group To add the inward tax group, go to Inventory > Masters > Inward Outward Tax Group, the Inward Outward Tax group page is displayed. Inward Tax Group: Check…
November 1st, 2021
Revise Selling Price
The revise selling price defines the revision of the sale prices of the items in the inventory by a percentage of increment or decrement. Setting the Revise Selling Price of All Items To set the revised selling price of all items in the inventory, go to Inventory > Masters…
November 1st, 2021
Stock Location
The stock location sets the location for the stock storage. Adding Stock Location To add the stock storage, go to Inventory > Masters > Stock Location, the Stock Location page is displayed. Warehouse Code: This field allows the selection of the Warehouse code from the drop-down list. Warehouse Name:…
October 20th, 2021
Stock Maintenance Level
The stock maintenance level allows you to set the minimum and maximum level limit of your item-wise stock. Setting the Item-Wise Stock Level To set the item-wise stock level in inventory, go to Inventory > Masters > Stock Maintenance Level, the stock maintenance level page is displayed. Warehouse Code:…
October 17th, 2021
Opening Stock File
The opening stock file allows you to download the sample format file and upload the (same format of) excel file for the opening stock. Downloading the Opening Stock File To download the opening stock file, go to Inventory > Masters > Opening Stock File, the opening stock file page…
October 17th, 2021
Sales Groups
The sales groups define the group of items based on their sales. You can add and delete these groups from the inventory. Adding a New Sales Group To add a new sales group, go to Inventory > Masters > Sales Groups, the sales group page is displayed. Click…
October 4th, 2021
Sales Collectors
The sales collectors define the sales collection by a person and include all of the contact details. You can add, update/edit, delete, or print the information. Adding a New Sales Collector To add a new sales collector in inventory, go to Inventory > Masters > Sales Collectors, the…
October 4th, 2021
In salesman, you can add new salesman information. You can also update, delete, and print your desired salesman’s information. Adding a New Salesman To add a new Salesman, go to Inventory > Masters > Salesman, the Salesman page is displayed. Click the Manage button on the top of the…
October 4th, 2021
In customers, you can add new customer information. You can also update, delete, and print your desired customer information. Adding a New Customer To add a new Customer, go to Inventory > Masters > Customers, the Customers page is displayed. Click on the Manage button at the top…
October 4th, 2021