Docs   /   Financial Accounting   /   Budgeting   /   Budget Expenditure   /   Budget Expenditure

Budget Expenditure

In the budget expenditure, you can view the monthly budget and expenditure report.


Viewing the Budget Expenditure

To view the budget expenditure, go to Financial Accounting > Budgeting > Budget Expenditure, the budget expenditure report is displayed.

Budget Group: Select the desired budget group from the drop-down list.

Report Type: Select one of the two radio buttons. Either select Monthly or Summary for a detailed or brief report.

Month From: Select the starting month.

Year: Select the starting year.

Month To: Select the ending year.

Year: Select the ending year.

Show Revenues Also:  This checkbox when checked enables the viewing of revenues

Display codes on report: This checkbox when checked displays the codes on the report.

Show: Click on the Show button to display the report.

Export to Excel: Click on this button to show the report in Excel file format.

Export to Word: Click on this button to show the report in Word file format.

Export to PDF: Click on this button to show the report in PDF file format.

Note: The Account Code used in the budgeting table must belong to the Expenses or Income type of accounts.