قائمة العمليات
In transactions, you can print and email all information of your desired transactions. You can also export all information into excel, word and pdf formats. Searching Transaction. To search “Transaction”, click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Transaction Listing”. Transaction listing page will be displayed. Click on the “Transaction…
أيار 17th, 2021
قائمة سندات الصرف
عفوا، هذه المدخلة موجودة فقط في الإنجليزية الأمريكية. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.In the payments listing, you can view, print and email all the information regarding the payments listing. You…
أيار 17th, 2021
قائمة سندات القبض
عفوا، هذه المدخلة موجودة فقط في الإنجليزية الأمريكية. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.In the receipts listing, you can view, print and email all the information regarding the receipts listing. You…
أيار 17th, 2021
قائمة الفواتير
In invoice listing, you can print and email all information of your desired invoice listing. You can also export all information into excel, word and pdf formats. Searching Invoice Listing. To search “Invoice Listing”, click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Invoice Listing”. Invoice listing page will be displayed.…
أيار 17th, 2021
قيود اليوميه
In journal register, you can print and email all information of your desired bank book accounts. You can also export all information into excel, word and pdf formats. Searching account details in Journal Register. To search “Account Details” in “Journal Register”, click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click…
أيار 17th, 2021
دفتر البنك
In bank book, you can print and email all information of your desired bank book accounts. You can also export all information into excel, word and pdf formats. Searching account details in Bank Book. To search account details in “Bank Book”, click on the "Financial Accounting", then "Reports", then click…
أيار 17th, 2021
دفتر النقدية
In cash book, you can print and email all information of your desired cash book accounts. You can also export all information into excel, word and pdf formats. Searching Account Details in Cash Book. To search account details in “Cash Book”, click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click…
أيار 17th, 2021
تقرير دليل الحسابات
In chart of accounts, you can print and email all information of all accounts. You can also export all information into excel, word and pdf formats. Searching Account information in Account Chart. To search accounts in “Account Chart”, click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click “Chart of Accounts”.…
أيار 17th, 2021
تقرير الضريبه / القيمة المضافة المطلوبه
عفوا، هذه المدخلة موجودة فقط في الإنجليزية الأمريكية. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.In the VAT/Tax claim report you can view, print, and email the VAT/Tax claim report. You can also…
أيار 17th, 2021
رصيد العام الماضى
In previous year balance. You can view and update debit or credit details of previous year balance of your desired account. Updating Previous Year Balance. To update previous year balance, click on "Financial Accounting" , then click on "Cost Centers" , then click on "Previous Year Balance". Previous year page will…
أيار 4th, 2021
الأرصدة الافتتاحية
In opening balances, you can view and update debit or credit details of opening balance of your desired account. Updating Opening Balance. To update opening balance, click on "Financial Accounting" , then click on "Cost Centers" , click on "Opening Balance". Opening balance page will be displayed. Click on "Update"…
أيار 4th, 2021
مراكز التكلفة
In cost centers, you can add new cost center and update, delete and print your desired cost center.You can update sub cost center support. Adding new Cost Center. To add new cost center, click on "Financial Accounting" , then "Master", then click on "Cost Centers". Cost center page will…
أيار 4th, 2021
اسماء الموازنات التقديرية
عفوا، هذه المدخلة موجودة فقط في الإنجليزية الأمريكية. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.In the budget group names, you can add edit, or delete the budget group names. Adding a…
أيار 3rd, 2021
إنفقات الميزانية
In budgeting expenditure, you can view monthly and expenditure statement.
أيار 3rd, 2021
مقارنة الميزانية
In budgeting comparison, you can view budgeting comparison statement of your desired month.
أيار 3rd, 2021
جدول الموازنة
In budgeting table, you can edit and delete entries in the table.
أيار 3rd, 2021
متحصلات المبيعات
The sales collection includes the collection methods for the credit type of sales invoices. You can select cash, bank cheque, and bank deposit and e-transfer methods. You can also view, delete, and print the information of the sales collection. Generating a New Sales Collection To generate a sales collection,…
نيسـان 7th, 2021
مدفوعات المشتريات
The payment on credit purchase includes the payment method for the credit type of purchase invoices. You can select cash, bank cheque, and bank deposit and e-transfer methods. You can also view, delete, and print the information of payment on credit purchase. Generating a Payment on Credit Purchase To…
آذار 31st, 2021