الوثائق   /   المخزون   /   Reports   /   Batche   /   تقرير الدفعات / المسلسل

تقرير الدفعات / المسلسل

The serial batch report helps you view the report of serial numbers and batches for the items of inventory.


Viewing the Serial Batch Report

To view the serial batch report, go to Inventory > Reports > Batches > Serial Batch Report, the serial batch report page is displayed.

There are three radio buttons out of which you can select one at a time.

Particular Serial Movement: Select this radio button then items will be shown concerning the serial numbers.

Show: This button represents the report as per the selected filters.

Export to Excel: This button allows the data of the report to be exported to Excel.

Export to Word: This button allows the data of the report to be exported to Word.

Export to PDF: This button allows the data of the report to be exported to PDF. 

Click on the Show button to view the report.

Particular Batch Movement: Select this radio button then items will be shown concerning the batch numbers.

Show: This button represents the report as per the selected filters.

Export to Excel: This button allows the data of the report to be exported to Excel.

Export to Word: This button allows the data of the report to be exported to Word.

Export to PDF: This button allows the data of the report to be exported to PDF. 

Click on the Show button to view the report.

Show Items:  When this radio button is selected you can view the items based on the three types of serials (all serials, available serials and used serials).

Furthermore, you can select your desired item code or supplier code with the help of checkboxes.

Show: This button represents the report as per the selected filters.

Export to Excel: This button allows the data of the report to be exported to Excel.

Export to Word: This button allows the data of the report to be exported to Word.

Export to PDF: This button allows the data of the report to be exported to PDF.

Click on the Show button to view the report.

Also, there are navigation buttons for the page view.

Page Size: You can adjust the number of entries per page.

Go to: You can go to the page number you want to view.

You can go back to the previous page or print or email the report.