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In transaction viewer, you can view and print the transaction information.


Viewing the Entry of Transaction Viewer

To view the entry of transaction viewer, go to Financial Accounting > Transaction > Transaction Viewer, the transaction viewer page is displayed.

Click on the View button at the top of the page.

Transaction Number: Enter the transaction number of the desired transaction. Otherwise, you can find the transaction number from the navigation buttons. (https://www.fallsgrovedentistry.com/)

Click on the Load button.

Note: Debit and Credit must be equal always.

Printing the Entry of Transaction Viewer

To print the entry of transaction viewer, go to Financial Accounting > Transaction > Transaction Viewer, the transaction viewer page is displayed.

Click on the Print button at the top of the page.

Transaction Number: Enter the transaction number of the desired transaction. Otherwise, you can find the transaction number from the navigation buttons.

Click on the Load button.

Note: Debit and Credit must be equal always.