قائمة طلبات المبيعات المعلقة
The sales order pending list report helps you view the pending list of a particular sales order. Those orders will be shown against which no sales invoice is made and are in the pending state. Viewing the Sales Order Pending List To view the sales order pending list, go…
آذار 3rd, 2021
تقرير طلبات اصناف المبيعات
The sales order item listing report helps you view the listing of a particular sales order and the items contained within it. Viewing the Sales Order Item Listing To view the sales order item listing, go to Inventory > Reports > Sales > Sales Order Item Listing, the sales order…
آذار 3rd, 2021
قائمة أوامر المبيعات
The sales order listing report helps you view the listing of a particular sales order. Viewing the Sales Order Listing To view the sales order listing, go to Inventory > Reports > Sales > Sales Order Listing, the sales order listing report is displayed. There are various filters available you can enable for your…
آذار 3rd, 2021
تقرير عروض المبيعات المعلقة
The sales quotation pending listing report helps you view the pending list of a particular sales quotation. Those quotations will be shown against which no sales order is made and are in the pending state. Viewing the Sales Quotation Pending Listing To view the sales quotation pending listing, go…
آذار 3rd, 2021
قائمة اصناف عروض المبيعات
The sales quotation item listing report helps you view the listing of a particular sales quotation and the items contained within it. Viewing the Sales Quotation Item Listing To view the sales quotation item listing, go to Inventory > Reports > Sales > Sales Quotation Item Listing, the Sales quotation…
آذار 3rd, 2021
قائمة عروض المبيعات
The sales quotation listing report helps you view the listing of a particular sales quotation. Viewing the Sales Quotation Listing To view the sales quotation listing, go to Inventory > Reports > Sales > Sales Quotation Listing, the sales quotation listing page is displayed. There are various filters available you can apply for your…
آذار 3rd, 2021
عملاء تجاوزو حد الأئتمان
The customer excess credit list helps you view the report of the customer’s excess credit list. Viewing the Customer Excess Credit List To view the customer excess credit list, go to Inventory > Reports > Sales > Customer Excess Credit List, the customer excess credit list page is displayed. Current…
آذار 1st, 2021
تقرير مرتجعات المبيعات
The sales return listing report helps you view the report for the sales return listing. Viewing the Sales Return Listing To view the sales return listing, go to Inventory > Reports > Sales > Sales Return Listing, the sales return listing page is displayed. There are various filters available, you can apply…
آذار 1st, 2021
تقرير متحصلات المبيعات
The credit collection listing helps you view the report of the credit collection list. Viewing the Credit Collection Listing To view the credit collection listing, go to Inventory > Reports > Sales > Credit Collection Listing, the credit collection listing page is displayed. There are two radio buttons out of which you…
آذار 1st, 2021
تقرير الفواتير المعلقة
The credit invoice pending list allows you to view the report of the pending credit invoices in the sales section. Viewing the Credit Invoice Pending List To view the credit invoice pending list, go to Inventory > Reports > Sales > Credit Invoice Pending List, the credit invoice pending list…
آذار 1st, 2021
تقرير الاصناف المباعة
The sales item listing helps you view the report of the sales item list. Viewing the Sales Item Listing To view the sales item listing, go to Inventory > Reports > Sales > Sales Item Listing, the sales item listing page is displayed. Five checkboxes serve as filters in the report. Item: This checkbox…
آذار 1st, 2021
تقرير فواتير المبيعات
The sales invoice listing helps you view the report of the sales invoice list. Viewing the Sales Invoice Listing To view the sales invoice listing, go to Inventory > Reports > Sales > Sales Invoice Listing, the sales invoice listing page is displayed. There are two radio buttons out of which you…
آذار 1st, 2021
(تقرير فواتير المبيعات (مختصر
The sales invoice summary helps you view the summary report of the sales invoices. Viewing the Sales Invoice Summary To view the sales invoice summary, go to Inventory > Reports > Sales > Sales Invoice Summary, the sales invoice summary page is displayed. Date from: This field sets the starting date of the…
آذار 1st, 2021
مبيعات الاصناف المتحركة / العناصر الغير متحركة
The sales moving/non-moving item helps you view the report of moving and non-moving sales items. Viewing the Sales Moving/Non-Moving Items To view the sales moving/non-moving items, go to Inventory > Reports > Sales > Moving/Non-Moving Items page is displayed. There are three types of radio buttons, you can select one of them at…
آذار 1st, 2021
عمولة البائع
The salesman commission helps you view the salesman commission report. Viewing the Salesman Commission To view the salesman commission, go to Inventory > Reports > Sales > Salesman Commission, the salesman commission page is displayed. There are two radio buttons out of which you can select one button at a time. Calculate Commission on: You…
آذار 1st, 2021
عمر فاتورة المبيعات
The sales invoice ageing helps you view the report of sales invoice ageing. Viewing the Sales Invoice Ageing To view the sales invoice ageing, go to Inventory > Reports > Sales > Sales Invoice Ageing, the sales invoice ageing page is displayed. As on Date: This field sets the present or current date of…
آذار 1st, 2021
قائمة سندات التسليم المفوترة
The goods delivery non invoiced listing helps you view the report of the GDN listing that is non-invoiced (against which no invoice is made). Viewing the Goods Delivery Non Invoiced Listing To view the goods delivery non invoiced listing, go to Inventory > Reports > Sales > Goods Delivery Non…
آذار 1st, 2021
قائمة سندات التسليم
The goods delivery note item listing report helps you view the listing of a particular goods delivery note (GDN) and the items contained within it. Viewing the Goods Delivery Note Item Listing To view the goods delivery note item listing, go to Inventory > Reports > Sales > Goods Delivery…
آذار 1st, 2021
سند تسليم البضاعة (GDN)
The goods delivery note (GDN) helps you view the report of the goods delivery note (GDN). Viewing the Goods Delivery Note (GDN) To view the goods delivery note (GDN), go to Inventory > Reports > Sales > Goods Delivery Note (GDN), the goods delivery note (GDN) page is displayed. There…
آذار 1st, 2021
تحليل المبيعات الشهرية
The sales monthly analysis helps you view the report for the monthly analysis of the sales of items. Viewing the Sales Monthly Analysis To view the sales monthly analysis, go to Inventory > Reports > Sales > Sales Monthly Analysis, the sales monthly analysis page is displayed. There are three…
آذار 1st, 2021