دفتر البنك
In bank book, you can print and email all information of your desired bank book accounts. You can also export all information into excel, word and pdf formats. Searching account details in Bank Book. To search account details in “Bank Book”, click on the "Financial Accounting", then "Reports", then click…
أيار 17th, 2021
دفتر النقدية
In cash book, you can print and email all information of your desired cash book accounts. You can also export all information into excel, word and pdf formats. Searching Account Details in Cash Book. To search account details in “Cash Book”, click on the “Financial Accounting”, then “Reports”, then click…
أيار 17th, 2021
طباعة الباركود
In Barcode Label Printing, you can print all information in barcode label for the items of inventory. Printing Barcode Label by Adding Items To print the barcode label, go to Inventory > Barcode > Printing Barcode Label, the printing barcode label page is displayed. Barcode Label Code: Enter the barcode label…
آذار 14th, 2021
تقرير مرتجع المشتريات
The purchase return listing report helps you view the report for the purchase return listing. Viewing the Purchase Return Listing To view the purchase return listing, go to Inventory > Reports > Purchase > Purchase Return Listing, the purchase return listing page is displayed. There are various filters available you can apply for your…
آذار 6th, 2021
تقرير الفواتير المعلقة
The credit invoice pending list allows you to view the report of the pending credit invoices in the sales section. Viewing the Credit Invoice Pending List To view the credit invoice pending list, go to Inventory > Reports > Sales > Credit Invoice Pending List, the credit invoice pending list…
آذار 1st, 2021
المخزون التالف
The damaged stock includes the expired or out of order stock that holds no more value. You can add, edit, print, and delete the damaged stock. Adding the Damaged Stock for Simple Items To add the damaged stock, go to Inventory > Others > Damaged Stock, the damaged stock page…
شباط 15th, 2021
المخزون للإستخدام الداخلي
The stock internal use includes the stock used or consumed internally by a company. You can edit, delete and print the stock for internal use. Adding the Stock Internal Use for Simple Items To add the stock internal use, go to Inventory > Others > Stock Internal Use, the stock…
شباط 15th, 2021
إعداد بداية الأرقام
On the starting number setup page, you can set starting number against your desired description. You can also set autonumbering. Setting Starting Number Setup To set the starting number setup, go to Inventory > Setup > Starting Number Setup, the starting number setup page is displayed. Scroll down the page. …
كانون الثاني 30th, 2021
اعداد رمز المخزون
The inventory code setup allows you to define the code for every inventory regardless of its name. Updating the Inventory Code Setup To update the inventory code setup, go to Inventory > Setup > Inventory Code Setup, the inventory code set up page is displayed. Click on the Update button to change…
كانون الثاني 30th, 2021
منتجات التصنيع المنتهية
The production of finished goods includes the details of the finished goods required to manufacture a process. All the pages of this module are interlinked and can be accessed by the buttons at the bottom of the page. Updating Production Finished Goods To update the production finished goods, go…
كانون الثاني 23rd, 2021
قائمة التصنيع الأساسية
The production master is the main module to define a production name and a production code is generated by the system. You can add, update, delete, and view the production master’s entries. All the pages of this module are interlinked and can be accessed by the buttons at the bottom…
كانون الثاني 23rd, 2021
الولايات / المقاطعات
In the states/provinces, you can set states or provinces against your desired country of the company. Setting States/ Provinces To set the states or provinces, go to Configurations > General > States/Provinces, the States/Provinces page is displayed. Click on the Add New button. Please enter the State / Province Code in the input…
كانون الأول 30th, 2020
ساعات العمل الإضافية
In overtimes, you can search overtimes information of the employees with in required date. You can send overtimes information into excel, word and pdf formats. Viewing Overtime Reports. To view “Overtime Reports”, click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Overtime”. Overtime page will be displayed. Enter starting date in…
كانون الثاني 10th, 2017
In lates, you can search lates information of the employees with in required date. You can send lates information into excel, word and pdf formats. Viewing Lates Reports. To view “Lates Reports”, click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Lates”. Lates page will be displayed. Enter starting date in “Date…
كانون الثاني 10th, 2017
In absents, you can search absents information of the employees with in required date. You can send absents information into excel, word and pdf formats. Viewing Absents Reports. Viewing “Absents Reports”, click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Absents”. Absents page will be displayed. Enter starting date in “Date…
كانون الثاني 10th, 2017
سلفة الراتب
In salary advance, you can keep monthly and yearly salary advance record of the employees. You can export salary advance information into excel, word and pdf formats. Viewing Salary advance Details. To view “Salary advance Details”, click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Salary advance”. Salary advance page will…
كانون الثاني 10th, 2017
تفاصيل القروض
In loans details, you can keep monthly and yearly loan detail record of the employees. You can export loans details information into excel, word and pdf formats. Viewing Loans Details. To view “Loans Details”, click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Loans”. Loans page will be displayed. Click in “Month”…
كانون الثاني 10th, 2017
قروض الموظف
In loans, you can keep monthly and yearly loan record of the employees. You can export loans information into excel, word and pdf formats. Adding New Entries in Loans. To add "New Entries in Loans”, click on the “HR”, then “Transactions”, then click “Loans”. Loans page will be displayed. Click “Add new” button on…
كانون الثاني 10th, 2017