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تسوية المخزون

The stock adjustment includes the balancing of your stock if the physical quantity of the item does not match with the in-hand quantity (of the system). To match both quantities you require stock adjustment. You can delete or print the entries of stock adjustment.   Adding a Stock Adjustment Entry with…

تحويل المخزون

The stock transfer allows the transfer of stock from one warehouse to another in the inventory.   Adding Stock Transfer with Document Number To add a stock transfer to the inventory, go to Inventory > Others > Stock Transfer, the stock transfer page is displayed. Click on the Manage icon at the top of…

إعداد الإشعارات

In notification setup, you can set day’s periods against your desired description. You can also activate/deactivate days periods.   Setting Notification Setup To set the notification setup, go to Inventory > Setup > Notification Setup, the notification setup page is displayed. Click on the Update button at the top of the page. Is…

إعداد تجهيز المبيعات

The Sale posting setup helps in setting the credit and debit accounts for the sale posting.   Updating the Sale Posting Setup To edit/update the Sale Posting Setup, go to Inventory > Setup > Sale Posting Setup, the Sale posting setup page is displayed. Click on the Update button at the top of…

الإعداد العام

The Global Setup is the main setting page for the system. You can update and save the settings.   Updating the Global Setup To update the global setup, go to Inventory > Setup > Global Setup, the global setup page is displayed. Click on the Update button to modify or change the settings.…

تغيير الكلمة

The change strings page allows you to change the strings in the Inventory for specific pages (Item Card, Purchase Posting Setup, and Sales Posting Setup).   Updating the Strings To update the strings of inventory, go to Inventory > Setup > Change Strings, the change strings page is displayed. Click on…

أصناف مساندة

The production of supporting items includes the details of the supporting goods required to manufacture a process. All the pages of this module are interlinked and can be accessed by the buttons at the bottom of the page. Updating Production Supporting Items To update the production supporting items, go to Inventory…

مواد الإنتاج الأولية

The production of raw materials includes the details of the raw materials required to manufacture a process. All the pages of this module are interlinked and can be accessed by the buttons at the bottom of the page.   Updating Production Raw Materials To update the production raw materials, go…

المستندات المنتهية

In expiry documents, you can search expiry documents information of the employees with in required date. You can send expiry documents information into excel, word and pdf formats.   Searching Expiry Documents Report of Employee. To search “Expiry Documents Report of Employee”, click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Expiry Documents”.…

حساب الإجازات

In vacation calculator, you can search vacation calculator information of the employees with in required date. You can send vacation calculator information into excel, word and pdf formats.   Viewing Vacation calculator Reports. To view “Vacation calculator Reports”, click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Vacation calculator”. Vacation calculator page…

تحويل الفرع

In branch transfers, you can search branch transfers information of the employees with in required date. You can send branch transfers information into excel, word and pdf formats.   Search Branch Transfers Reports. To search  “Branch Transfers Reports”, click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Branch Transfers”. Branch Transfers page…

سلفة الراتب

In salary advance, you can search salary advance information of the employees with in required date. You can send salary advance information into excel, word and pdf formats.   Searching Salary Advance Reports. To search  “Salary Advance Reports”, click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “Salary advance”. Salary advance page…

قروض الموظف

In loans, you can search loans information of the employees with in required date. You can send loans information into excel, word and pdf formats.     View Loan Report in HR A: Click on the “HR”, then “Reports”, then click “loans”. Loans page will be displayed. Enter starting date in…

ساعات العمل الإضافية

In overtimes, you can keep monthly and yearly overtimes record of the employees. You can export overtimes information into excel, word and pdf formats.   Viewing  Overtime Details. To view “Overtime Details”, click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Overtime”. Overtime page will be displayed.  Click in “Month” list box…


In lates, you can keep monthly and yearly late record of the employees. You can export late information into excel, word and pdf formats.   Viewing Lates Details. To view “Lates Details”, click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Lates”. Lates page will be displayed. Click in “Month” list box then…


In absents, you can keep monthly and yearly absents record of the employees. You can export absents information into excel, word and pdf formats.   Viewing Absent Statement. To view “Absent Statement”, click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Absents”. Absents page will be displayed. Enter month in “Month”…


In provision, you can keep employer and employees provisional monthly and yearly information. You can export provision information into excel, word and pdf formats.   Viewing Provisions in Statement. To view “Provisions in Statement”, click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Provisions”. Provisions page will be displayed. Enter month…


In deductions, you can keep monthly and non monthly deduction information of the employees. You can export deduction transaction information into excel, word and pdf formats.   Viewing Deductions Details in Statement. To view “Deductions Details in Statement”, click on the “HR”, then “Statements”, then click “Deductions”. Deductions page will be displayed. Enter…

التأخير الشهري

التأخير لشهرى : في التأخير الشهرى يمكنك الاحتفاظ بسجلات التأخير الشهرية للموظفين . كما يمكنك تحديث المعلومات وحذفها . إضافة تفاصيل التأخير الشهري للموظفين. لإضافة تفاصيل التأخير الشهرية . انقر على "الموظفين"، ثم "العمليات"، ثم انقر على "التأخير الشهري". سيتم عرض صفحة الـتأخير الشهري الرئيسية . انقر على زر "إضافة…

التأخير اليومي

التأخير اليومى : في التأخير اليومى يمكنك الاحتفاظ بسجلات التاأخير اليومية للموظفين . كما يمكنك تحديث المعلومات وحذفها . إضافة تفاصيل التأخير اليومي . لإضافة تفاصيل التأخير اليومي . انقر على "الموظفين"، ثم "العمليات"، ثم انقر على "التأخير اليومى". سيتم عرض صفحة التاخير اليومي الرئيسية . انقر على زر "إضافة…