الوثائق   /   المخزون   /   مواد الإنتاج الأولية

مواد الإنتاج الأولية

The production of raw materials includes the details of the raw materials required to manufacture a process. All the pages of this module are interlinked and can be accessed by the buttons at the bottom of the page.


Updating Production Raw Materials

To update the production raw materials, go to Inventory > Production > Master > Production Raw materials, the production raw materials page is displayed.

Click on the Update button at the top of the page.

Production Code: Enter the Production code.

Production Name: This field is auto-fetched by the system.

Click on the Load button at the top of the page.

Click on the Add New Item button.

Item Code: Enter the desired item code.

Item Name: This field is auto-fetched by the system.

Quantity: Enter the quantity of the item.

Click on the Save button at the top of the page.

Deleting Production Raw Materials

To delete the production raw materials, go to Inventory > Production > Master > Production Raw materials, the production raw materials page is displayed.

Click on the Delete button at the top of the page and enter the Production Code.

Click on the Load button at the top of the page.

Click on the Yes button to save the information.