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In-House Production Setup

عملية الإنتاج

The production process includes the running or execution of the production process. Executing a Simple Production Process To execute a production process, go to Inventory > Production > Process > Production Process, the production process page is displayed. Click on the Add New button at the top of the page. Document Number: This field…

تكلفة المنتج

The production costing page includes the costing details of the items while manufacturing a process. All the pages of this module are interlinked and can be accessed by the buttons at the bottom of the page. Updating Production Costing To update Production Costing, go to Inventory > Production > Master >…

التصنيع الهادر

The production wastes page includes the details of the wastes left while manufacturing a process. All the pages of this module are interlinked and can be accessed by the buttons at the bottom of the page. Updating Production Wastes To update the Production Wastes, go to Inventory > Production > Master…

مصاريف الانتاج

The production expenses page includes the details of the expenses required to manufacture a process. All the pages of this module are interlinked and can be accessed by the buttons at the bottom of the page. Updating Production Expense To update the Production Expense, go to Inventory > Production > Master…

أصناف مساندة

The production of supporting items includes the details of the supporting goods required to manufacture a process. All the pages of this module are interlinked and can be accessed by the buttons at the bottom of the page. Updating Production Supporting Items To update the production supporting items, go to Inventory…

مواد الإنتاج الأولية

The production of raw materials includes the details of the raw materials required to manufacture a process. All the pages of this module are interlinked and can be accessed by the buttons at the bottom of the page.   Updating Production Raw Materials To update the production raw materials, go…

منتجات التصنيع المنتهية

The production of finished goods includes the details of the finished goods required to manufacture a process. All the pages of this module are interlinked and can be accessed by the buttons at the bottom of the page.   Updating Production Finished Goods To update the production finished goods, go…

قائمة التصنيع الأساسية

The production master is the main module to define a production name and a production code is generated by the system. You can add, update, delete, and view the production master’s entries. All the pages of this module are interlinked and can be accessed by the buttons at the bottom…